In 1925 Mrs Margaret Payne set up a small cat’s shelter to help the stray cats of Ipswich and surrounding areas. The scope of the operation gradually grew over the years and her daughter, Mrs Daphne Parmenter, continued her mother’s hard work until her death in 2012.
We operate as a charity and rely entirely on the generosity of benefactors, receiving no state aid. As a local charity with our roots long established in the community we have been fortunate enough to receive a number of generous donations and legacies over the years, allowing us to own the freehold of our Centre and look forward to the future.
Members of the Chaplin family have long been involved in the work of the Centre with Trustee Ethel Watling passing on her role to her daughter Monica Chaplin in the 1970’s. Her husband Fred became Chairman and in turn handed this role on to his nephew Ben. Ben is joined as a current Trustee by his Mother Anne and in 2021 Fred’s son Nick was appointed into the new role of CEO to take the charity forward, alongside our long standing Centre Manager Susanne and their loyal and dedicated team of staff and volunteers.
Long anticipated plans to replace the cat shelters finally came to fruition recently. We now have a new building with 11 large pens and 1 isolation pen. All have individual heating / cooling units and are easy to keep clean, with plenty of space and glass to allow the cats to see out.
We are continuing to modernise the shop and Clinic facility and are seeking to further increase the funding available to subsidise the cost of Vets fees for the increasing number of pet owners that find them difficult to afford.
There is no more space at the Centre for more pens however there is a continuing need in Suffolk for more capacity. Therefore, as part of our 100 th Anniversary celebrations we are actively seeking a site to establish a second rescue centre.
The formal name of the charity was changed in August 2022 to Animal Welfare Suffolk as this better describes how we view our operations going forward. The name Ipswich and District Animal Welfare Centre is retained and is used to describe the Centre still located in Cauldwell Hall Road in Ipswich.
Please note that the historical information is a work in progress. Any information supporters may have to help fill in gaps in our records would be very gratefully received.
Current Trustees
Main N E
Flint C
Chaplin A
Chaplin B
Chaplin C
Williams L
Jeffrey M
Previous Trustees
Payne E 1925 – 1965
Jones E 1950? – 1984
Hurley E 1950? – 1967
Gaffin F 1950? – 1967
Watling E 1968 – 1978
McLachlan E 1968 – 1982
Parmenter D 1968 – 2000?
Chaplin M 1979 – 2014
De’Ath M 1982 – 1994
Jay M 1984 – 2007
MacFarlane J 1994 – 2013
Marshall F ? – 2015
Green I 2008 – 2014
Beeson P 2013 – 2019
Chaplin F 2014 -2020
Beeson E 2014 -2015
Guille A 2015 – 2019
Bowden E 2015 – 2019
Bowden N 2015 – 2019
Chaplin C 2020 – 2021
Brookbanks A 2022 – 2023
As well as a Chair, The Ipswich and District Animal Welfare Centre also had an honorary President until 2002. Our records show the following individuals held this office
PD Pardew Captain PD
Charlton Mrs N L
Parkington Alderman TR
Ondowski Mrs Florence
Senior Management
The Centre was initially run on a day to day basis by a management committee, led by the founder Margaret Payne, who held the title of Superintendent and Treasurer. She was succeeded by her daughter, Daphne Parmenter, who fulfilled the same role. On her death the committee appointed a separate Treasurer and Centre Manager.
F Chaplin
A Chaplin
Centre Manager
M Ash
L Beeson
S Tripp
In 2021 the Trustees appointed N Chaplin as Chief Executive Officer and Treasurer.
Tel: 01473 727496
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